Unit 2 – The current architecture

As well as almost every word, ‘architect’ has its own definition, but as we saw with Architecture, it hasn’t got only one possible definition. Despite that fact, let’s take a look of what are some possible definitions.

In the first place, let’s take a look at what RAE defines as ‘architect:

  • ARCHITECT: Person legally authorized to practice architecture.
    • Art of designing and constructing buildings.
    • Design of a construction.
    • Set of constructions and buildings.

Now, I would like to take some quotes of two different architects that try to define ‘architecture’ as they can understand this profession.

“To be an architect is to know how to recognize and interpret the reality that surrounds us, but also to be able to dream and imagine things that doesn’t exist yet.

The architect works with the sight, by perceiving and interpreting the piece of world in which he is immersed, but he also uses his hand to define and shape new objects, to change his environment. Eye and hand are united in a single mental process that connects what exists with what is dreamt”

Alfonso Muñoz Cosme

“To be an architect is to be able to turn a house into a dream and at the same time being able to turn a dream into a house .

I repeat that an architect, what he/she does is build ideas, dreams, materialize ideas or make dreams come true.”

Alberto Campo Baeza

Taking a look at these references, we can collect some ideas in order to try to understand what an architect is. So, here there are which I consider the most important points:

  • Architects are whom know how to channel sensations, feelings and needs of the environment and people and, with the help of technique, are capable of representing them in an environment, space or building.
  • An architect is an organized, creative person, who works together with others in a team.
  • An architect is someone who takes into account human needs, economic parameters and functions to build.


After analyzing the definition of ‘architect’, as we cannot have an exact definition, we can set it aside and start focusing in what it’s truly the important thing: Which are the keys to become an architect, while you are having the formation what should you take into account, which are the best qualities we can adquire, etc.

As we have commented in class, to start preparing ourselfs to be architect in the future, we have to apply deeply these three aspects:

Take photographs
Be courious
Be suspicious
Be critical
Share your ideas
Interpret collective thoughts
Understand both, traditional and modern architecture
Focus on the needs of the users
Find solutions to your ideas

To conclude with it, I would like to share some useful tips provided by Frank Lloyd Wright in his book ” Two lectures on architecture”.

  1. Get in the habit of immediately thinking about THE WHY OF THINGS, regardin whichever effect you like or dislike.
  2. Do NOT take for granted that something is BEAUTIFUL or UGLY.
  3. Get used to the ANALYSIS. Over time, it will allow the synthesis to become a mental habit.
  4. Take time to PREPARE YOURSELVES.
  5. Enter the field where you can SEE in action the PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION.
  6. Consider it as desirable to buid a hen-house as a cathedral. What really counts is the QUALITY OF CHARACTER.
  7. Do NOT enter any architectural COMPETITION uder any circumstances.